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James Madison University Blog

The Importance of Studying

Ty McReynolds Is studying important? Yes, studying does help you get good grades, or help you pass that long dreaded test. But what good...


Nicole Perez In class, we talk a lot about professionalism; how it looks on paper, appearances, and behavior. Professionalism is vital to...

The First Steps

The First Steps byHannah McDade Our most recent class period was spent assigning our members to agency partners. The assigning committee...

Initial Thoughts

Theresa Edmonds As a senior in the social work department, I have heard about the grant writing class throughout the last three years. I...

Off to a Great Start

JR Reese II Probably not too different than most of my classmates, when I first joined this class, I expected there to be a lot of...

What is going on?

Sut Ian Wong This grant writing course is my third university writing class, and I have figured out that it will be the most exciting,...

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